I am committed to doing all that I can to continue to support you during this time, whilst also minimising the spread of coronavirus.

Your health and safety is my number one priority.

Therefore, to practice safe social distancing (as advised by the Government) and help stop the spread of COVID-19, I am currently offering phone and web-based video consultations to clients rather than face-to-face sessions.

Face-to-face sessions may be available if there are exceptional circumstances. I can assess if these are necessary depending on your individual circumstances. Key to making this decision is always to ensure this does not impact the quality of care I provide.

In the event a session is held face-to-face, please be reassured that I will adhere to physical distancing and hygiene guidelines in line with current Government recommendations.

I actively seek out the latest advice from the Government and implement up-to-date COVID-safe practices to look after your health and safe.

In line with Government advice, I have a COVID Safe Plan in place. This outlines how I am reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19 as well as the actions I will take in the unlikely event of any increased COVID-19 risk, to help keep my clients safe.

If a session is held face-to-face:

  • Where possible, I recommend holding the session outdoors in the fresh air.
  • When sessions are indoors, I follow the Government guidelines to maintain a 4 square metre distance between each other and refrain from any contact with you.
  • Clients are made aware (at the time of making an appointment, and in follow up reminders) not to attend in person if they are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms (such as a sore throat, runny nose, fever or cough).
  • I will not attend to any clients in person if they are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms (such as a sore throat, runny nose, fever or cough).
  • I practice good hygiene and will use hand sanitiser and wear a face-mask before meeting with a client.