Training and Development

Toms Place – Adversity Skills

Alex’s workshops are skills-based and highly interactive. Alex trains practical self-management strategies for minimising stress and maximising personal performance.

You will learn how to recognise stress symptoms before they become an issue; use stress reduction techniques. Learn to think more clearly and stay calm under pressure.

Contact Alex today to discuss;

  • Job-Seeking Support – resumes, coaching, and goal-setting skills
  • Carer Support – Education, counselling, and development for carers including a monthly carer social group discussion: integrating emotional resilience skills into your caring and personal life.
  • Mental Health Advocacy – a workshop to learn how to navigate the mental health system (public and private)
  • Social Assist Skills – This 1.5-hour training will help you develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to identify and approach people you are concerned about and provide appropriate advice to connect them with mental health services and support. You will also be encouraged to practice self-care and to seek help if you have any concerns about your own mental well-being.
  • Reminiscence Therapy – Individual or group work to enhance positive feelings and storytelling with people with memory loss.
  • Grief and Loss Program – a six-week program to explore the nature of grief and how to live with a different normal.

Who can attend: Alex can offer 1:1 services or work with groups of up to 10 people.

Contact Alex today to receive more information.